But the characters are very weird looking.
But the characters are very weird looking.
Cammy was very weird looking.
Not bad, but a weak april fool.
I saw it coming :I
Not bad, just work with improving your drawing skills
Thanx for the review. I will work on improving. It was kinda predictable huh?
I did not even bother to watch it trough
"Please do not post mean reviews"
What are you, a baby! If you are going to submit something to newgrounds you have to excpect some criticsm! If you cant handle mean reviews! GEt the hell out of newgrounds!
three stars is what this is worth!
even though this is your first flash, there is no point of submitting it because its horrible!
instead of submitting crap take your time and develop skills!
bad graphics and bad sound!
by the way how on earth is this gonna get good reviews
Hey be nice to me or I will be mean to you.
MY Eyes are burning!!
THis is bad to the extreme!
You have the right mind
Your on ur way
This flash was decent, but for a first flash this impressive!
You have the right mind.
thank you im glad to here i dont totally suck but just a little xD
its decent flash for a begin
As u say ur on the way
First of all it was way to short
the animation was very simple
it wasnt any action, only dialog making it boring
but what i didnt like at all was the character stood still, he didnt move at all while the dialog was going.
other than that ur on the way :)
The next episode will have more action, as the cliffhanger suggests, along with the action will be voices so you aren't distracted trying to read. The protagonist in this one did make little emotes while the talking was going on, but it was hard to see that and read at the same time.
5 stars
the story was very unoriginal and the animation. If you see trough that it was great. cool voice acting.
who cares about originality ? i mean everything is not more original in the world
just like your 5 this is not original you avatar & nicname too are onoriginal
even your english is unoriginal
Joined on 2/14/09